
We aim to make all the TextPro modules available for four languages: English, French, German and Italian, both for research and commercial purposes. Please consult the table below to check which modules are currently available for each language and for which use.

The distribution of most modules includes the source code and the training model or, if the module is rule based, the set of rules used.

* SyntaxPro is currently distributed for research purposes only

In addition to the TextPro modules, the current distribution includes:

    • TextPro API: Java APIs allowing you to easily integrate TextPro with your software

    • TextPro as a web service: makes TextPro available under a Client-Server architecture


TextPro is available both for research and commercial purposes.

Publications or presentations containing research results obtained through the use of TextPro should cite the following reference:

    • Emanuele Pianta, Christian Girardi, and Roberto Zanoli. The TextPro tool suite. In Proceedings of LREC, 6th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 28-30 May 2008, Marrakech (Morocco).

Research licenses. If you are affiliated with a non-profit institution and are interested in a license for research purposes, please request TextPro through the link below. You will be asked to fill in a form with your data (it will be maintained in a database at FBK) and to accept the agreement terms. After submitting your request, you will be contacted in a few days.

The free license obtained through this form allows you to use TextPro only for research purposes; it has unlimited duration and is granted only to non-profit institutions.

Request TextPro for research purposes

Limited research licenses. If you are affiliated with a profit-making company, you can still obtain a time limited free research license if your company is involved in a research project funded by a public organization (e.g. a national or local government, or the European Commission). This license allows for the use of TextPro only within the framework and for the duration of the project.

Commercial licenses. For all other cases, we offer commercial licenses for evaluation purposes, for internal use and for re-selling.

It is important for us to have feedback on research involving TextPro: we kindly ask you to provide us with information and comments about how you have used TextPro.

For more information about the distribution of TextPro, please contact Manuela Speranza.